Manage Manufacturing Company Time Off
Manage your manufacturing company’s time off and cut out waste by using the latest mobile and web apps for time off management.
Manage your manufacturing company’s time off and cut out waste by using the latest mobile and web apps for time off management. If you’re tired of piles of paperwork or juggling conflicting vacation schedules among employees in various departments, turn to a state-of-the-art software solution. Discover how you can streamline your time off management with Time Off Cloud.
Time Off Cloud Features for Your Manufacturing Company
Does your manufacturing company have manual processes for requesting time off? A synchronized schedule and time off tracker help you to accommodate employee PTO requests without affecting the productivity of your company. Explore the Time Off Cloud features that help you hit your manufacturing deadlines and cut down on paperwork.
Absence Tracking
You can’t afford to have workers absent from critical roles without proper coverage. Absence management allows you to track hours worked, sick days, and more. Digital time off tracking helps you avoid the stress of end-of-the-year reporting. If someone isn’t present, you can use the cloud-based system to determine the cause of the absence.
Paid and Unpaid Time Off Management
Your company spends significant resources reducing waste and cutting out inefficient processes on the shop floor. Time Off Cloud provides the same benefits to your administration staff. Sick day, scheduled leave, and PTO tracking are all intuitive and synchronized to keep your company on the same page.
Use this cloud-based software for time off management that puts you in charge. A cloud-based system gives your employees a single, convenient way to keep you updated regarding sick days, vacation requests, and more. Approve requests quickly and inform the entire company about any scheduled shutdowns, company holidays, or other schedule changes.
Org Chart
With the Org Chat functionality, you can organize employees into departments with managers and easily visualize the approval workflow. The Org Chart will clearly show you which managers will receive notifications for each department and be able to approve the employee Time Off.
Real-Time Reporting
All of these management features are available on a cloud-based system. Whether you’re working remotely, at the plant, or traveling to visit a vendor, you are connected to the Time Off Cloud.
Time Off Cloud allows you to plan ahead and cover critical roles for every shift. Accept or decline vacation requests, schedule employee leave, and stay up-to-date with all the relevant departments of your manufacturing company.
Manage Manufacturing Employee Time Off
Review the benefits of Time Off Cloud to see how your company can keep up production rates and meet deadlines.
Synchronized Schedules
A single unfilled position can delay your entire company. Commercial manufacturing equipment requires a number of employees to operate safely. Whether you’re machining automotive components or designing plastic products for household use, keep your company moving forward with PTO software.
Your employees work in a fast-paced environment that can include many stressful situations. Help them avoid burnout by helping accommodate as many vacation requests as possible. A synchronized schedule gives your employees immediate updates about workdays, holidays, and vacation requests.
Efficient Alternative To Paper Scheduling
Many companies in the manufacturing industry don’t offer an efficient way to request days off. As a result, your team may be using handwritten requests, text messages, emails, and verbal requests all at once.
In a paper-based system, all these requests must be double or triple entered in spreadsheets and on calendars. Cut out all that waste with a synchronized digital system. This gives you and your administration team room to perform other daily year-end duties.
Convenient End-of-the-Year Reporting
The end of the year can be a nightmare for tracking PTO, sick days, and other requests. Without proper paperwork, it may be difficult to determine how many days certain employees were on the clock. End-of-the-year reporting gives you all this information in a single, convenient format.
Accelerate Your PTO Management
Start a free trial today to see how Time Off Cloud can help you cut out waste and manage PTO effectively. Create a synchronized system to manage your manufacturing company to keep up production rates and cut down on paperwork. Automate the process to see how you can better manage employee schedules and PTO requests.
We will be with you every step of the way.
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